
About me..

  • My parents named me Suzanne before I was born, luckily I am a girl.
  • My first camera was a milk carton with a pin hole that I made in a photography class when I was 6.
  • I love to travel and explore new places, new to me of course.
  • I adopted two rescue dogs, Mollie and Ratt Dawg.
  • I have been to a concert of every letter of the alphabet from Aerosmith to ZZ Top with a little Metllica in-between.. Well, all but X.. someday.
  • SCUBA is one of my passions. Diving takes you to a whole new world.
  • I prefer to be challenged in my work and in life rather than take the easy way, makes life more interesting.
  • I love that photographs capture that particular moment in time and preserves it forever.
  • The best advise I ever got was from a 90 year old man on the golf course. When I asked him what it takes to still be golfing at his age he said, "Just keep breathing".